
There are only four days left till Christmas...and still a lot to do. But it had me thinking - we place this deadline on happiness and expect to have all of this stuff done to make our Christmas "perfect" when really all we need is our family and friends (and maybe a little food 😄).

I've actually done more this year and feel a little ahead of the game. Most of this is due to planning that was done well in advance (October and November). We've gone to activities, a few parties, and visited family and overall it had been perfect. But, I still feel like I should be doing more. Maybe I should have thrown a holiday party or baked treats for the doctors or sent on a better present for my children's teachers. Maybe I should have taken my children to that light show or gone to get hot chocolate or volunteered?

Why are we always so hard on ourself? We spend time thinking about what we should have done or should be doing instead of being in the moment and enjoying where we are.

My lesson for this holiday season is to just be present. Watch my children play and enjoy their laughter. Talk to my family instead of bustling around cleaning. Be with my patients and coworkers instead of multitasking every single second.

Happy Holidays!

#happyholidays #pharmacychristmas #christmasthoughts #inspiration #pharmacylife #justbe #bepresent

PracticeJoanna Simmon