I'm Back!


Well, it’s been a busy few months! Between welcoming a new baby, getting settled in a new city, and updating my blog, I haven't had a lot of time to write. A wise pharmacist at Duke told me (as I was lamenting how I was failing at balancing both my job and motherhood) that there is a time to put more effort into work and there is a time to focus on family, and for me, now is that time to give my family a little more of your time and heart.  This should be a no-brainer for sure, but having invested years of education and experience into my career, I felt that I "should" be pursuing my passions at full-force.  I loved what I was doing and felt like I was failing when I couldn't give 200% to both.  The point is that these past six months have been full.  Not with pharmacy conferences, policy-writing, and leadership talks, but with getting my family settled.  I had to fight the feelings that I "should" be back to work, I "should" be accepting more writing assignments, and I "should" be writing and connecting more on my blog.  How often do we go with our "shoulds" instead of following our heart? 

I’ve been hesitant to share my identity for several reasons. First, I believe it’s easier to write behind the mask of anonymity. I've been able to write freely without thinking about perception, misunderstandings, judgment, etc... Part of this fear stems from an upbringing in the spotlight that was full of judgment and making decisions based on what others would think.  I wanted my blog to be fun and a creative outlet, not stressful! 

Secondly, this blog started out as a passion project.  I loved my job but was losing some of the connection and creativity that I craved.  Writing was the perfect outlet.  I  started out slow, but through time and connection with others, it has blossomed. So, to further connect with friends and other healthcare providers, it is important to establish credibility and put a face with a name. 

How can I really reach my goal of authentically connecting with other pharmacists nationally and internationally if I don't face my fears, and put it out there? Yes, I’m being a little dramatic, but it is true. I’ve had to fight against the fear of being judged, fitting into the perfect mold, and doing what I "should" do for most of my adult life. But, I know who I am now. I am happy. I love what I do, I love my profession, and I love connecting with people, so here we go!

There is beauty in being open and authentic, being brave enough to show people your true self and being strong enough to know people will judge you on a snapshot and that that is ok because you know your truth. 

I am so happy to be back to writing. I love sharing my journey with you and I love hearing about you, your struggles, your pharmacy questions, and how you deal with obstacles both in practice and in your personal life. Let’s share our journey to wellness, to being the best pharmacists and health care leaders this world has and to elevating our practice globally. I am a mother. I have my own struggles with motherhood, being consistent with my health routine, career doubts, taking risks, etc...but I am determined to be the best I can for myself, my family, my friends, and my patients. We are in this together 💗.

WellnessJoanna Simmon