9 Ways to Have a Healthy November

I used to have this vision in my head that the spring and summer months were for renewal, getting healthy, and starting new things and the winter months were for hibernation. I mean, I did grow up in Chicago! My viewpoint has changed over the years, obvi, and mental and physical health and wellness is something that we need to practice year round, even if we have to adjust our routines a little.

As 2021 heads to a close (*I seriously cannot believe we are talking about 2022!*), and we ease into the holidays, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Healthy November Tips

Stay hydrated: Just because it is not summer and you are not sweating, does not mean you don’t need to stay hydrated. By default, I just don’t drink as much during the winter months and I have to consciously make an effort to drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water. Your body loses moisture everyday regardless of the temperature so you need to stay hydrated. Adequate hydration is important for your immune function, skin radiance and of course your mood and energy levels!

Take some Vitamin D. Winter months mean shorter days and staying indoors more (around a cozy fire!). Vitamin D is important because it keeps your bones strong and may contribute to the prevention or treatment of other diseases. We don’t just get vitamin D from the sun, we also get it from food we eat. Eggs, salmon, fortified cereal, milk and cheese can all be good sources. Over forty percent of adults in the US are deficient in Vitamin D and you may be one of them! It’s best to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement. For more information on the importance of Vitamin D and the different types of supplements, read here.

Pay attention to the air. Colder months have less humidity and drier air, which can affect your skin and some respiratory conditions.  When do you need it? I used to have a lot of nosebleeds as a child because of dry air – and that was one reason my mom got a humidifier! You may be noticing drier skin, chapped lips or congestion – a humidifier will help with all of these. If you do use one, just make sure you clean it regularly. A dirty humidifier can promote the growth of bacteria and mold.

Boost your immunity. A healthy immune system is the first line of defense against bacteria, viruses and other little invaders that make us sick. There are several things that we can do to keep our immune system strong – exercising regularly, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, managing our stress and not getting too worn down. Often people turn to supplements – the data is weak for some of them but zinc, vitamin C, Echinacea and elderberry are some of the more common immune support supplements. Above all, don’t forget to wash your hands!

Stock up on seasonal produce. Eating foods during their peak season ensures you get the full nutrient and vitamin content. It’s also has a positive effect on the environment as your food is often more local and traveling less. Turnips, sweet potatoes, celery, and cauliflower are seasonal vegetables that pair well with a hearty soup or stew. Get creative with your sides and try to incorporate a seasonal fruit or vegetable into your meals once a day.

Download a workout. For those days where it’s too cold to run outside or too hard to roll out of bed and go to the gym, having a go-to workout that will start your day right and break a sweat will be key to keeping your exercise routine on track. There are so many good options – the point is to find one or two that you love so that you will stick to it. A few of my favorites:

*For yoga, ten minute arms and a good stretch: One Peloton App

*For a great barre workout

*For some cardio to get your blood moving

Read a book. As Oprah said “[reading] gives you the ability to reach higher ground. And keep climbing”. And reading literally strengthens the connectivity in your brain.  The winter months are perfect for cozying up with a blanket, some hot cocoa and diving into a book (that isn’t pharmacology!). Some of my personal favorite recommendations for the year – Untamed, How to do the work, and The Energy Paradox. I’m always looking for fiction recommendations, so if you have any send them here!

Switch up your moisturizer. I usually change my daily moisturizer during the winter months as my skin gets drier and I find that I need something a little heavier. For daytime, I like gels and serums that hydrate and really penetrate the skin, and for nighttime, I pick some thicker moisturizers. I also choose heavier body lotions and oils. Don’t forget to avoid hot showers as they can overly dry out your skin and moisturize right after you get out of the shower or bath. Recommendations are Indie Lee body moisturizer, Moon Juice Plump Jelly and Cosmic Cream (use code Pharmacistsguide15 for 15% off!), Emogene and Co facial oils and these amazing body butters by Old Whaling Company (they used to sell these in the Charleston market, but now you can get them online too!).

Be Grateful. November is National Gratitude Month and of course, we all pause on Thanksgiving to give thanks. But should we be practicing gratitude the rest of the year too? Research says yes! Individuals who practice gratitude regularly have higher incomes, relationships that are more satisfying and less instances of depression. There is also some amazing research from Duke that says writing down “three good things” before bed each night increases resilience and decreases stress. Keeping a gratitude journal, meditating or getting out in the world and serving others is a wonderful way to maintain the practice of gratitude.