Weekly Updates 4.3.23

Last week, my eldest son decided that he was going to write a book. I am extremely impressed by his dedication. He wakes up and writes before school. And last night he said to me: “mom - I think you’d be a great writer.” “Why’s that?”, I asked? “Because you have great advice and you talk like one”. 

I’ll take it! This April, I’m circling back on one of my 2023 goals….to write more and to do more of the things that bring joy into my life. 

Speaking of that, March was fantastic. We had so much fun with the family (Spring Break) and I had an amazing month with my friends. We had a lot of birthdays (including mine - more on that later!) to celebrate, some warm weather and it was great to spend time with people who energize me. When we are filling ourselves up with things that make us happy - good people, connection, and those small habits that fulfill us (exercise, journaling, sleeping!) we are more likely to have the energy to prioritize the things we love. 

What I’m reading: 

This week I’m extremely excited about two new books: I’ve just started reading Dr. Pooja Lakshmin’s Real Self-Care. It is incredible and groundbreaking. More to come on this.

I also just ordered Lydia’s Fenet’s new book Claim Your Confidence. Excited to dive into this one!

What I’m listening to: 

We were on Spring Break last week and I binged through a few podcasts. Here are some of my favorites! 

Jay Shetty and Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins

After Jay Shetty’s podcast, I started diving into the world of Mel Robbins, and let me tell you - she is spot on with a lot of things, especially on how to take action when you are feeling stuck. Love it. 

My Podcast with Dr. Carlene Link just came out on career wellness

What I’m watching:

My husband was gone with my son to soccer games this week and I finally finished watching the second season of Succession. Boy is it dark, but I find the family dysfunction and dynamics fascinating. Are there any redeeming characters?  

To balance out the despair that is Succession (Kendall, I feel for you), I caught up on the third season of Ted Lasso - great comic relief. 

What I’m buying:

My friend got me some Joanna Vargas face masks for my birthday and I cannot get enough

A cute little summer shirt

Upgraded sandals 

Lusting over these sandals for my summer dresses

Restocking on my favorite sunscreen

An amazing and affordable hyaluronic acid

Weekly reading:

5 books reexamining the wellness industry 

Narcan was recently approved for over the counter availability making it much more available to the public. Here are 10 questions and answers about Narcan

Pharmacy workers are more burnt out

Can you take expired antibiotics? (I get this question a lot). 

How to manage stress at work

Wellness to wholeness. Love this article by Elise Loehnen.